
We observe the feast of Passover as specified in the Torah (Lev. 23:4,5) on the fourteenth of the month of Nisan (March April) in the context of Yeshua as the Lamb of God. God delivered the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt on Passover. The blood of the slain lamb was placed on the doorpost and lintel of each house as a sign of their faith in God. When the death angel came to each house in Egypt he saw the blood of the lamb on the door and passed over the house. When no blood was present on the door he entered in and slew the first born. Through this final great judgment God delivered the Children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. In a similar way, we, today, are delivered from the bondage of sin by the blood of the lamb, Yeshua, the Lamb of God. We are delivered from the kingdom of darkness, symbolized by Egypt, into the Kingdom Light. Valley of Blessing celebrates the Passover seder with Yeshua as the central theme of the feast. Its all about redemption in Messiah Yeshua. We usually rent a large facility and have a catered meal together observing the Passover in a decidedly Jewish way. The evening consists of praise and worship with a detailed seder (telling), telling the story of Passover in all its spiritual significance. Its an evening that no one who embraces Yeshua as savior and lord should miss.